Posted by admin on 2024-05-04 08:39:45 |
By BANO News Correspondent
In a case that has sent shockwaves through the student community at Lupane State University (LSU), a 21-Year-Old Student was at the receiving end of the law this Friday, for allegedly using a religious guise to coerce a female student into sexual intercourse.
According to Court documents, the unnamed suspect has been accused of indecent assault by purporting to be a "Spiritual Father" sent by God, and repeatedly demanding sexual favors from the victim, a fellow university resident.
The incident has shone a spotlight on the dangers of predatory individuals exploiting religious belief systems for their own sexual gratification.
In recent years, there has been a proliferation of so-called "Spiritual Fathers" or "Spiritual Husbands," individuals who profess to be endowed with special powers from God and use this as a guise to prey on vulnerable people, often women and young girls. The victims, caught up in a whirlwind of spiritual manipulation, find themselves in a dangerous position where their trust and faith are weaponized against them.
According to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), the chilling incident of indecent assault, occurred sometime last month within Lupane State University Campus residence.
"On April 29, 2024, the accused person who professed to be a 'spiritual father' sent by God, visited the complainant at her campus residence requesting sexual intercourse," said the NPA in a statement dated May 3, 2024.
State revelations are that, when the victim refused, he allegedly proceeded to forcibly fondle her breasts and buttocks, as well as kiss her, despite her clear lack of consent.
In a disturbing twist, after the initial assault, the alleged perpetrator threatened by the victim's warning fled the scene, but returned soon after, seemingly undeterred by his shameful actions.
With his intent still clear, the accused sought out the complainant once again, returning to her room and reiterating his desire for sexual intercourse, stating that he had been divinely ordained for this purpose. However, his demands fell on deaf ears as the complainant staunchly refused his advances.
The victim, refusing to be silenced by the perpetrator's manipulation and intimidation, made a decisive move to seek justice.
The case was reported to the Campus residence security guards who swiftly apprehended the accused, bringing an end to the disturbing ordeal.
In a bid to bring closure to the harrowing incident, the accused faced justice in the court of law. The presiding Lupane Magistrate handed down a 9- month prison sentence, which was wholly suspended on the condition of good behavior.
Even as the dust settles on one sexual abuse case, another alarming scandal rears its head, this time involving a Self-proclaimed Prophet and five underage victims.
Madzibaba Ishmael, also known as Ishmael Chokurongerwa (56), stands accused of exploiting his position as a spiritual leader to engage in sexual relations with minors over a period of six years.
The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has laid out a damning case against the 56-year-old, alleging that he abused his power and authority to sexually exploit the vulnerable victims.
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